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photo of Steve Mayer

Steve Mayer CFO & Owner

Steve is the Chief Financial Officer at Mayer Fabrics and brings years of experience and expertise in financial management to the table. With his sharp business acumen and analytical skills, he has been instrumental in guiding Mayer towards sustainable growth and success for the past 20 years.

Despite his busy schedule, Steve is a family man at heart. He enjoys spending time with his loved ones, especially watching his boys play volleyball and cheering them on from the sidelines. Steve also enjoys the outdoors and can often be found boating and exploring new destinations. He is a passionate cook and enjoys experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen, using his culinary skills to create delicious and memorable meals for his family and friends.

When Steve does find some downtime, he likes to unwind with his favorite movie, Shawshank Redemption. Its themes of perseverance and redemption resonated deeply with him, and he finds inspiration in the story's message of hope and the power of the human spirit. Overall, Steve is a driven and passionate individual who finds joy in both his work and his personal life.

Steve's favorite Mayer pattern is Labyrinth.


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Steve Mayer, CFO & Owner