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photo of Troy Busch

Troy Busch AK, ID, MT, OR, & WA (A&D)

Troy has been around the office furniture industry since the early 1980’s when his mom and dad started finelinesnw. In 2014 he became a sales representative for finelinesnw and after four years of mentoring from his dad, he took the lead role as Principal. 

Troy has always been passionate about helping others and was a career municipal firefighter for over 25 years.  His work ethic, integrity, and commitment to quality are the driving forces behind his ability to maintain sustainable relationships in the office furniture industry. Troy retired as a firefighter in 2020 and is now devoting all his time to the family business.

When not working, Troy enjoys spending time with his family, which includes two grandsons. He loves traveling, history, listening to live music, playing guitar, and spending time outdoors: hiking, biking, and rafting in the Pacific Northwest.

His favorite Mayer Pattern is Tulum.

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Troy Busch, AK, ID, MT, OR, & WA (A&D)